Figure 5.
Table 2 contains drill results from other targets. A new 1.2 kilometre cross section showing all gold zones as drilled to date is provided in
Figure 2.
New LP Fault Drill Results
29.17 g/t gold over 15.50 metres from 41.80 to 57.30 metres in drill hole BR-238 on drill section 19975.
18.08 g/t gold over 15.80 metres from 23.85 (bedrock surface) to 39.65 metres in drill hole BR-244 on drill section 20000, located 25 metres northwest of drill section 19975.
Detailed assay results are provided on drill section 20000 at three different scales (50 x 50 metre, 200 x 200 metre, and 800 x 800 metre) in
Figures 3, 4 and 5.
Drill hole BR-255 on drill section 19900, located 75 metres to the southeast of drill section 19975 included