All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) Chief and Lok Sabha MP from Assam s Dhubri constituency Badruddin Ajmal on Thursday claimed that his forefathers were Hindu who converted to Islam due to atrocities by a section.
“In Islam, be it a beggar or a banker, all stand in the same rows for
namaz, all are equal in the eyes of Islam. You don’t have to be rich or born into a particular social category to be close to Allah.”
Islam advocates equality among all humans and calls for equal respect to everyone irrespective of colour, race, financial status, social status, he says.
Journey to Islam
His journey began when he decided to read Holy Quran, which strengthened his calling towards Islam. He explains:
“It is said that when you walk towards Allah, he runs towards you. I only crawled but Allah taa’lah opened ways for me to not only discover but understand the core principles of Islam.”