Sebi, which has been investigating allegations against the Adani Group by Hindenburg Research, recently tightened its rules around short selling. Mint explains what short selling entails, its pros and cons, and Sebi’s latest tweaks.
In a huge victory for the Adani Group, the Supreme Court on Wednesday said the report by the OCCRP - an organisation funded by billionaire George Soros, among others - can't be the basis for doubting SEBI's investigation into the Hindenburg case.
Allegations of conflict of interest against members of the Expert Committee set up to probe the claims made by Hindenburg were unsubstantiated, the Court said.
The SC will pronounce the verdict on Wednesday on the batch of petitions seeking an investigation into allegations of fraud by Hindenburg against the Adani Group.
These successes mark a string of big hits dealt by the firm founded by Nate Anderson. A scorecard of 14 of the firms prominent bets since 2020 shows many of its targets decline once the short position is unveiled. Shares on average dropped about 9% on the first day, and were down 30% a year later, according to calculations by Bloomberg News.