In Himachal Pradesh, the Congress party faces a rebellion as six MLAs cross-vote during the Rajya Sabha polls, favoring the BJP candidate. Led by former Congress leader Harsh Mahajan, prominent figures like Rajinder Rana and Sudhir Sharma express discontent over being excluded from the state cabinet. This internal dissent underscores growing instability within the Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu-led government.
Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu this morning launched a strong attack on six party MLAs who cross-voted in Tuesday's Rajya Sabha election - handing the party a defeat in an exercise it should have won with ease - and then seemed to join the BJP.
India News: Amid the fear of Congress government falling short of majority during division of vote on budget and cut motions, the Speaker Kuldeep Singh Pathania on Wednesday suspended 15 BJP MLAs including leader of opposition Jai Ram Thakur and former Speaker Vipin Singh Parmar for their misconduct, bullying and hooliganism on Tuesday outside Speaker's Chamber.
Among other things, Vikramaditya Singh alleged Congress legislators in Himachal Pradesh were “ignored”, and attempts were made to “muzzle” their voices.