If anybody had a case not to be kind, it was the biblical character Joseph. His brothers treated him like dirt and sold him into slavery. This action resulted in
If anybody had a case not to be kind, it was the biblical character Joseph. His brothers treated him like dirt and sold him into slavery. This action resulted in
shooter reloading that long gun. she confirmed what we ve been speculating that this many rounds, this many people injured over this period of time, involving moving vehicles, this had to involve a rifle, and largely a semi-automatic or automatic rifle, and had to involve many, many shots, because to accurately hit that many people, you re firing two or three times the number of shots, and she saw him reloading. that will contribute to the national discussion. it s yet another data point on automatic or semi-automatic rifles, assault weapons. and also perhaps a discussion about ammunition. when we hear people are purchasing hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and it s not because, you know, they and their friends are going to the shooting range for the weekend, but rather because they intend to do something. this contributes, the data points here, what you heard in your interview, what other witnesses will say, will be
combined with all the other recent shootings and should become part of the legislative proposals on capitol hill. what do we do about assault weapons, what do we do about large magazines, what do we do about large purchases of ammo. and most importantly, how do we keep guns and ammo out of the hands of unstable people who should never possess them. one of the details, frank, also was what she described as him reloading, right, as he was moving. is this possible, with a longer gun as she was describing, with one hand? oh, absolutely. what would be required to reload, as she described, a long firearm? we re talking about a long gun, about the ability to release the magazine with a click of your thumb. you press the mag release, the
combined with all the other recent shootings and should become part of the legislative proposals on capitol hill. what do we do about assault weapons, what do we do about large magazines, what do we do about large purchases of ammo. and most importantly, how do we keep guns and ammo out of the hands of unstable people who should never possess them. one of the details, frank, also was what she described as him reloading, right, as he was moving. is this possible, with a longer gun as she was describing, with one hand? oh, absolutely. what would be required to reload, as she described, a long firearm? we re talking about a long gun, about the ability to release the magazine with a click of your thumb.