Amid speculation around who will become the Chief Minister in Madhya Pradesh, there is a chance that the BJP is likely to choose a new face for the CM’s post. The BJP won 163 out of the 230 Assembly seats in the state and six days have passed since the results were announced, but the decision on who will get the top job is still pending. As is the case with the party, the BJP
Nationalist Congress Party chief Sharad Pawar on Monday said he was not in the race to become prime minister and asserted the opposition wanted a leadership that would work for the betterment of the country.
Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Apna Dal-Sonelal leader Anupriya Patel asserted that there is no vacancy for the post of PM and this post is for Narendra Modi only
Oklahoma County District Court Judge Aletia Timmons ruled today that Western Heights Public Schools must cede authority to the State Board of Education to oversee day-to-day operations of the district.