and drivers were okay. e-mail us at you can vote in our poll at it is 10 minutes after the pour. a stunning medical warning. if you worked late into the night you want to hear this one. the video you are about to sees unbelievable. incredibly everybody made it out alive. we will have that story. jimmy kimmel will have a few laughs at brian kilmeade s expense. trick shot titus is very good shooting basketball. he made his appearance on fox and friends. he made shot after shot until brian kilmeade hit him with the ball and made him cry. shame on you, brian you monster.
he hit shot after shot. he was unstoppable until brian kilmeade hit him with the ball. and made him cry. shame on you, brian. you monster. you are a monster personified. eventually he calmed down. they brought him into the studio and what i think is a wonderful lesson for a two-year-old, encouraged him to exact revenge on his new foe. gretchen: i have a really good idea for you, buddy. take that ball right now and throw it as hard as you can at that. right here. right here. [ laughter ] brian: thanks, gretch. that was a good idea. look how nonchalant you were. steve: an eye for an eye. gretchen: that s fantastic. steve: so titus was fine, but you lost your head. brian: it s okay. steve: how did they put that back on so quickly? brian: it s all part of late
words that disturb me tell that to greg. she said i am going to explode this place. i think she meant bad pr, but you shouldn t be tossing words threatening violence in this day and age. that s a good point. first of all it was not tom o connor who did the rendering. it was mike michael son. it is fitting i get that mistaken. michael son is an almost forgettable person. he could be standing in front of you and you don t even see him. he is right there actually. he is right in front of me and i can see right through him. he is crying. watch him cry. watch him cry. harris, you said legally speaking snowden has became a traitor to the country. i am not sure that is true. the definition of treason
words that disturb me tell that to greg. she said i am going to explode this place. i think she meant bad pr, but you shouldn t be tossing words threatening violence in this day and age. that s a good point. first of all it was not tom o connor who did the rendering. it was mike michael son. it is fitting i get that mistaken. michael son is an almost forgettable person. he could be standing in front of you and you don t even see him. he is right there actually. he is right in front of me and i can see right through him. he is crying. watch him cry. watch him cry. harris, you said legally speaking snowden has became a traitor to the country. i am not sure that is true. the definition of treason
my dad died shortly after this finished the book and i read passages to him. he began having dementia and it was hard to follow that. and i don t want to make light of it but what is good, he had a raucous sense of humor and i had one joke he loved and i told it over and over again and he d still laugh at it. harris: i wish i had a joke like that. we did normal things, taking him to the doctor, getting a haircut and i took him to a movie, sling blade and he always wanted to be next to a restroom and i put him next to run and he was restless during the movie, i thought he s ooepd to use the restroom and he said, let s leave. the man in sling blade reminded him of the man who abused him when he was a little boy and he couldn t take it anymore. one of the few times i saw him cry. harris: wow. larry, in the midst of the holidays a lot of families are estranged and people have deep hurts. give advice to families who are