course of the last several years. i think he is getting hit every single day on a ridiculous witch-hunt that has proved nothing. people have been investigating for over a year and have nothing but there is actually some real, i think, hard facts to look at when it comes to the clintons. and that s been completely ignored. i think the president is just looking for a fair playing field on that front. ed: so your answer directly that he wants hillary clinton to be investigated, even though during the transition he told 60 minutes that they had suffered enough. i wonder if you can address that number two, you didn t answer, does he want the attorney general to go? he called him b b leaguered yesterday. i have never heard a commander-in-chief call his ag beleaguered. is he frustrated for the attorney general recusing himself. that s a decision if the president wants to make he certainly will. he is continuing to move forward and focus on other