tonight, a special 360 investigation into the popular website craigslist, the largest classified advertising website in america. it s an amazing website, helps you find just about anything anywhere. what you might not know is that a large chunk of its revenue comes from one type of ad alone, adult service ads. craigslist has claimed that they reject those that appear to be selling sex but we ve been hearing from law enforcement officers that say that the website is not living up to that promise. cnn s amber lyon went to one of the busiest places for prostitution, washington, d.c. reporter: i want to show how easy it is for these pumps to use craigslist sell their girls. it will cost $10 per ad, $5 to repost. with craigslist right now they re saying they re
voices on the right behind the plan for the center. should a group of muslims be allowed to build an islamic center near ground zero? most of ground zero is still under construction nine years after the worst disaster. it is an open pit, open wound. it is hal owed ground. take a look, two blocks north, one block east on park place is where the islamic center and mosque would be built. 15 stories, $100 million, that s the plan. community center like a ymca, say it s backers, with a 100-seat auditorium, gym, prayer center, to promote interfaith understanding and promise to have jews and christians on their board. the imam, who is the public face at the center, is a naturalized u.s. citizen, a man the state department has deployed overseas to show that america is not at war with islam. there s no evidence he has done anything illegal. opponents, however, are outraged, saying this is a
that green light at the static kill and so far, anderson, no signs of anything going wrong with it either. i should point out, tom, once again, we are reading tea leaves and waiting for press releases from bp because they have continued to refuse even though they once said they would do it to have some real-time explanation of what s going on in the live picture. correct? reporter: exactly. we get periodic updates through press releases or a brief phone conference. that s about it. so we don t know we won t know for a while this ship is, what, pumping a lot of barrels of heavy drilling fluid. do we know what s going on? reporter: yes. that s what we know. we won t know if it s working for some time. it s pumping many barrels of heavy drilling fluid or mud, as they call it, down into the oil well about a mile under the water. they re steadily increasing the pumping pressure, too, and that should have the mud pushing the oil back down through the well pipe, but officials
fluctuati fluctuations, from the top of the well to the rock and sand through the natural oil reservoir far below. that green light at the static kill and so far, anderson, no signs of anything going wrong with it either. i should point out, tom, once again, we are reading tea leaves and waiting for press releases from bp because they have continued to refuse though they once said they would do it to have some real-time explanation of what s going on in the live picture. correct? reporter: exactly. we get periodic updates through press releases or a brief phone conference. that s about it. so we don t know we won t know for a while this ship is, what, pumping alot of barrels of fluid. is that what s going on? reporter: yes. that s what we know. we won t know if it s working for some time. it s pumping many barrels of heavy drilling fluid or mud, as they call it, down into the oil well about a mile under the
charities is the attorney general andrew cuomo. uch of this, though, is about politics? you re running against andrew cuomo. he is far ahead of you in the polls. you clearly see this as an issue that you can make inroads on. i would be talking about this if it was a vastly unpopular issue. i spoke out about khalid shaikh mohammed. have you ever spoke out about this imam before? he never said he was going to build this facility previously. to those who say getting the government to investigate a group which there s no evidence at all that they ve done anything wrong is a dangerous precedence, you say? except the fact if it was any other church, by the way, or synagogue and it was being driven and run by somebody who had made the kind of statements he had made, completely callous to the feelings of people who lost loved ones on 9/11. if you re telling people the very same month that 3,000 americans were slaughtered that it was effectively american