She had been stung. And it was a like a intensified bee sting. Mostly on the north end. They are up at the lifeguard stans. And we have less people over here. They my great on the beach. Experts explain why the stings hurt to much. Sting and that has ser rated edges and has vonom, they my great to the warm and shallow water. The number goes up and this reminder goes out do one thing that would be the shuffle. And she wishes she remembered about that before she stepped into the water. Thats why she has words of wisdom for others, the shuffle walking. If you get stung get the attention of a lifeguard, they can help you treat it. If the barb is in your food there is not much that you can do. Aaron mesmer. The cdc tells pregnant women to avoid south beach. A warning to fears over zika now. This is as officials identify five cases believed to be contracted the second area where the virus is spreading. The first is in the win wood area. They believe all the five new cases were contracted in
TAMPA, Fla. (Legal Newsline) - A Florida urology practice faces litigation claiming one of its employees dropped a patient while trying to return him to his wheelchair and broke his hip.
TAMPA, Fla. (Legal Newsline) - A recent lawsuit accuses a Florida lawyer of mishandling funds that were supposed to be used to support a victim of medical malpractice.
TAMPA, Fla. (Legal Newsline) - Rapper Nardo Wick and his security team are named in a lawsuit brought by a man who says he was assaulted when getting a photograph.
TAMPA, Fla. (Legal Newsline) - A woman blames a two-cup configuration and the string of a tea bag for allowing her hot drink to burn her legs at Starbucks