Multiple newspapers reported recently that Western Legacy Development Corp., the name behind the much-talked-about potential $1.1 billion Rapid City, S.D., packing plant has not made a deal with the Black Hills Industrial Center. Dream Design.
Multiple newspapers reported recently that Western Legacy Development Corporation, the name behind the much-talked-about potential $1.1 billion Rapid City packing plant has not made a deal with the Black Hills Industrial Center. Dream Design International,.
Cattle country has been abuzz since the announcement last month that a new cutting-edge beef processing plant has been proposed for Rapid City, South Dakota, that will handle 8,000 head per day. [.]
Megan Kingsbury wants to make Rapid City the home of the largest beef processing plant in the country. She says the plant would create 2,400 jobs and help save local ranchers from extinction. But in Rapid City, residents and lawmakers want more details about the $1.1 billion project.