BLUNSDON: A traffic order (reference STR000209 B4019) is being introduced to allow highway agreement works. It will prohibit vehicles from proceeding on the B4019 at Blunsdon at the junction with the A419 between Holdcroft House and Hills Development Site. Traffic to be diverted via A419 and A361 Highworth Road. The order will come into force on August 2 and it is expected that the works will be carried out until August 13. RODBOURNE: A traffic order (reference STR000219) is being introduced to allow excavation and installation works for fibre communication network. This will prohibit vehicles from proceeding on Bruce Street to the rear of No s 65 to No s 104.
BLUNSDON: A traffic order (reference STR000209) is being introduced to allow highway agreement works and will prohibit vehicles from proceeding on the B4019 at Blunsdon at the junction with the A419 between Holdcroft House and Hills Development Site. Traffic to be diverted via A419 and A361 Highworth Road. The order will come into force on August 2 and it is expected works will take place from then to August 13. BLUNSDON: Several traffic orders are being introduced to allow for the installation of a new water main trunk from Highworth to Blunsdon. The first (reference STR000198) will prohibit pedestrians from proceeding along the Hannington to Blunsdon footpath from the B4019 to Bridleway 13, Hannington.