Victorian era why do i mention him right here at the start of this newscast because well because he is credited with coming up with this phrase are you ready adversity makes strange bedfellows i want you to keep that quote of mine as i share with you what is happening right now between china and iran 2 countries presently being targeted economically and militarily by our government here in the United States so here we go this morning the New York Times is pending a piece about a leak that describes how china and iran are signing a 25 year military and Economic Partnership agreement the piece titled when china met iran seems to suggest that washington is kind of freaked out by this that it has. Quote the United States in a geo political storm so what is this deal between the us his biggest adversary in the middle east and the us is most predominant economic competitor on the entire world stage well its described as an agreement that is going to provide iran with all the tech and Economi
Victorian era why do i mention him right here at the start of this newscast because well because he is credited with coming up with this phrase are you ready adversity makes strange bedfellows i want you to keep that quote in mind as i share with you what is happening right now between china and iran 2 countries presently being targeted economically and militarily by our government here in the United States so here we go this morning the New York Times is pending a piece about a leak that describes how china and iran are signing a 25 year military and Economic Partnership agreement. The piece and titled when china met iran seems to suggest that washington is kind of freaked out by this that it has quote the United States in a geo political storm so what is this deal between the us his biggest adversary in the middle east and the us as is most predominant economic competitor on the entire world stage well its described as an agreement that is going to provide iran with all the tack and