As the end of May approaches and the weather is getting hotter and wetter, our arrest numbers in Bowie County went in the wrong direction again. Your Bowie County Sheriff's Deputies arrested 95 total last week, 35 of which were by BCSO, and another 60 were turned over by other law enforcement agencies to Bowie County.
In our second report of the week, (we're catching up) the Naughty Listers upped their game the week of Christmas weekend and grew by 66! Sixty-Six! It's your Bowie County Sheriff's Report, part 2 for this week. The total number of arrests was, as mentioned before, 66, of those, Bowie County Deputies arrested 19, while 47 were brought in by other law enforcement agencies and turned over to Bowie County.
In our second report of the week, (we're catching up) the Naughty Listers upped their game the week of Christmas weekend and grew by 66! Sixty-Six! It's your Bowie County Sheriff's Report, part 2 for this week. The total number of arrests was, as mentioned before, 66, of those, Bowie County Deputies arrested 19, while 47 were brought in by other law enforcement agencies and turned over to Bowie County.
In our second report of the week, (we're catching up) the Naughty Listers upped their game the week of Christmas weekend and grew by 66! Sixty-Six! It's your Bowie County Sheriff's Report, part 2 for this week. The total number of arrests was, as mentioned before, 66, of those, Bowie County Deputies arrested 19, while 47 were brought in by other law enforcement agencies and turned over to Bowie County.
Chalk up another busy week for your Bowie County Sheriff's Office. There were 22 people arrested by BCSO last week. Another 66 people arrested by other law enforcement agencies in our area were turned over to Bowie County. With no less than 10 Assaults this week, here is your Bowie County Sheriff's Office report prepared by Chief Deputy Robby McCarver.