and transportation. we ll give you that coming up. buout first, the house judiciary committee chairman, jim jordan, and congressmajudiciarn mac gag, they will be here in a moment with more on today s explosive hearing on capitol hill with the fbi director,bi chris wray, who should be fired and under both wrachris wry, his predecessor, jim comey. mr. higher honord under , the ws once premiere law enforcement agency, has now sadly been has b transformed into nothing short of an arm of the democratic party. cratic. the bume politicized they ve become weaponized. the bureau is now rotting from the torep down with extreme political bias and based on race non-answers cavalier attitude today. oh, he seems that he doesn te really care at all. now, it s now well-established that the fbi whed that puts cins on the scales of the lastr two presidents elections in our countrcountry.y in 2016. after detailing a litany of serious top secret classified information all over server. thr ther
information all over server. thr there was no raid oe f hillar clinton s chappaqua home. no, not at all. james comey said no, reasonable prosecutor, whatever. prosecute hillary clinton. remember the 33,000 subpoenaed deleted emails and destroyed devices. no consequences there either. no cand at the very same time, the fbi was perpetuating what was the worst russiae wors collusion, conspiracy theories all agains t trump, all without a shred of evidence. and using that falsea shre information. hillary s bought and paid for a dirty russian dossier all toy defraud a buys a court. and theyto d knew it was a lie m the beginning. and they even offered the author, christopher steele, $1,000,000 and he couldn t collect. buopher ston t they still use tt information before that fisa court and thattion applicationw four years later in 2020. fast forward under christopher i wray, now the fbi director. di to floatx ale