investigation you can t be serious. you re not going to let the special counsel turn into a fishing expedition? sir, it already has. this whole investigation was supposed to be about president trump, his campaign supposedly colluding with the russians. this has gone on 11 months. no smoking gun proving it ever happened or anything was done in terms of law breaking. but in instead of ending it there, there are reports that mueller is now looking into the finances of president trump and the trump organization, and the associates of president trump. mueller has also reportedly empanelled a grand jury in washington, d.c. let s go to washington, d.c. the president got a little over 4% of the vote. more on that in a minute. many so going off what rosenstein just said on fox news sunday, he s now given mueller the green light. it appears he can do whatever he juans. legal scholar, jonathan turley, a democrat is out with a brand-new olympiced on the he makes several key points
now sources that spoke to the free beacon said this is unprecedented. and we also learned congress is questioning other former obama officials, suzanne rice, john brennan about unmasking. on top of that we have the issue of intelligence leaks, also the hill, john sol man reporting, the former obama director of national intelligence, james clapper, remember him? he made it easier for those officials in the executive branch of obama to unmask members of congress and their staffers. why are special counsel being called to investigate all of these instances? the constitution of this great country is now being being shredded right before your very eyes. your fourth amendment privacy rights were being violated. it seems like on a daily basis. then there is out of control dangerous leaks from the deep state, almost a leak a day. it s happening at the rate of seven-times greater than the previous two administrations, and you know what? this has got to end. it is literally impeding the
bill: we see life from the hill now and peter do we know yet what is going to take for the skeptics to get to a yes ? there is not much mystery as to what these skeptical senators want to. senator ted cruz is handing his colleagues note cards with his past es printed on it. it s a four-point path calling for assistance with allowing them a variety of insurance plans, let states create medicated plans. lets people buy insurance across state lines and puts some entitlement reforms in place to control years from now. senator cruz also signed on to that letter with senator mike lee, senator rand paul, and senator ron johnson expanding their hesitation about back in the senate bill and none of them sound like hard no votes as of right now, their joint statement reason. there are provisions in in the strap that represent an improvement to our current health care system, but it doesn t appear this draft is written will occur accomplish
collins, thank you for your time. good morning to you there on the hill. good morning, bill. bill: you just came out of a meeting with republican leadership on the house. what did that say about the senate revealed yesterday? i think the overall plan is the senate is doing their job and at the end of the day, it will be very similar to the house plant in a lot of ways. there s ways that they needed to do to get them building. we are very pleased with the result even the ones who are opposed our thing how can we get to yes. that s an important piece of legislating up here is how to get to yes. at this point we are pleased with the progress and we will go from there we can into the next week with the senate. bill: you pose the most appropriate question of all. how do you get the yes based on the conversations you just had? concerns, how do you meet them? from a health perspective, we got the yes. we will continue to focus on the
it s nice to have a conversation for the time thing, but next tuesday and wednesday and thursday, there will be troubled by the hour to figure out what they will bring into a boat and then actually came to pass. shannon: those are very big questions. bill: in the meantime, north korea is back at it. yet again conducting another weapons test, sparking a new sense of urgency on the hill. now more than ever is to send a message that we are going to cut off their capability of getting their hands on the currency they need. bill: what is being done to prevent pyongyang from developing a missile that could reach the united states? adam kinzinger weighs in on that next. shannon: wildfires nearly doubling in size threatening homes and byes and one part of the country. you will hear from evacuees forced to leave everything behind and go. and then there s this. bill: are the days of isis and iraq and syria it and outnumbered? what russia has just done to