bush justice department where a young muslim student was told she couldn t wear a hijab headdress in school and they intervened. overall, it s a sign that the president the treasury secretary, the trade representative will now have more prominent roles in the economic policy. the labor secretary is not always a player in that regard. with andy puzder, you might have had another big player in that arena. this will be a more traditional regulatory agency as you go forward. and a safe pick for the administration which at this point does not need another controversy. this is puzder pulling out. that s embarrassing. that s a defeat. but president obama at this point had already lost three cabinet battles with three individuals withdrawing their names for two for commerce and one for hhs. so it s not really unheard of and actually by comparison, president trump is doing okay. these things happen. more than anything, this is a reflection of two things. the president has a 52/48 majori