The ongoing hijab row in the state took a new turn on Friday with a college in Vijayapura district refusing entry to a student who had come to the campus sporting ‘kumkum’. In the government degree college at Indi, the staff did not allow the student to attend class. Protesting, the student argued with the teacher that the prohibition was only for saffron shawl and hijab and
The BJP booth agent asked the woman to take the hijab off. However, several DMK and AIADMK members opposed him. 📰 Tamil Nadu Urban Local Body Poll: BJP Booth Committee Member Asked To Leave After He Asks Muslim Voter To Remove Her Hijab (Watch Video).
Hijab controversy, Hijab, karnataka hijab hearing live,karnataka hijab row latest update,hijab not essential for islam,advocate general Prabhuling Navadgi,hijab vs burka,hijab case in karnataka,hijab case in karnataka high court decision,livelaw,karnataka high court hijab case status today, hijab ro
Hijab controversy, Hijab, karnataka hijab hearing live,karnataka hijab row latest update,hijab not essential for islam,advocate general Prabhuling Navadgi,hijab vs burka,hijab case in karnataka,hijab case in karnataka high court decision,livelaw,karnataka high court hijab case status today, hijab ro