Drink and drug drivers have appeared in court. Stock image A SOLICITOR found herself in court for all the wrong reasons when she was named among 13 drink drivers. Sussex Police have revealed the identities of those caught putting their own lives and the lives of others at risk on our roads. Among them was a factory manager, a carpenter, a publican and a surveyor. Those who were named in court were:
Victoria Phillips Aged 36, a solicitor, of Harecombe Rise, Crowborough, was arrested in Beeches Road, Crowborough, on 25 December and charged with driving with 103mcg of alcohol per 100ml of breath in her system.
Drink driving
Jurus Jerofejevs, 37, a labourer, of Highwood Gardens, Ilford, was arrested in Offington Avenue, Worthing, on December 4 and charged with driving with 84mcg of alcohol per 100ml of breath in his system.
At Crawley Magistrates’ Court on 8 January, he was disqualified from driving for 21 months. He was also ordered to pay a £440 fine, £85 costs and a £44 victim surcharge.
He was among 212 arrested in Sussex during the police’s Christmas crackdown on drink and drug-drivers, which ran from 1 December 2020 to 1 January 2021.
Of those arrested, 34 have since been convicted in court. The remaining have either been charged, released under investigation or released without charge.