Thursday’s winter storm is forecast to include snow, sleet and freezing rain throughout the day making surfaces and roads slick and treacherous. This is causing closings and delays across the county. The Maryland State Police’s snow emergency plan is currently in place for interstates 270, 370, and the beltway in Montgomery County. This means travel […]
Wednesday’s winter storm that left a wintry mix of snow and ice in the area is causing closings and delays across the county. The Maryland State Police’s snow emergency plan is currently in place for interstates 270, 370, and the beltway in Montgomery County. This means travel on the interstates is strongly discouraged. Also, parking […]
Montgomery County Recreation indoor aquatic facilities programs and activities scheduled before 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 2 are canceled. We are closely monitoring weather conditions and will update status after 6 a.m. tomorrow, if there are additional changes in the schedule.
Montgomery County has extended the Extreme Cold Plan for a Hypothermia Alert from 4 pm Mon 2/1 until 4 pm Tue 2/2. Expect the wind chill to be below 32 deg. Wear layers if you go outside. Take extra precautions if you spend significant time outdoors: