wild: bruce springsteen was trying to reclaim the soul of rock n roll by going back to basics. van zandt: using elements from the past that were kind of being discarded at that point. in the day we sweat it out on the streets of a runaway american dream george: using a sound that was not what was on the radio and was not what was mainstream rock. .suicide machines sprung from cages on highway 9 chrome-wheeled, fuel-injected and steppin out over the line whoa wilson: bruce springsteen created his own counterculture. it just speaks exactly to the american spirit. you couldn t hit it on the head more than bruce springsteen did. baby, we were born to run born to run was a towering statement in the middle of the 70s. it was the cover of time and newsweek.
A 35-year-old man from Grand Forks, ND, died after a fatal crash initially reported at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, according to the Minnesota State Patrol. MnDOT had closed a portion of Minnesota Highway 9, east of Benson, for several hours after the crash was first reported.