Delhi recorded 1,527 fresh Covid cases today, about 33 per cent higher than yesterday, showed official data. The positivity rate too jumped to 27.77% from yesterday's 23.8%.
India recorded 5,335 fresh Covid cases in the past 24 hours, 20 per cent more than yesterday. Daily cases have crossed the 5,000 mark for the first time since September 23 last year.
Delhi recorded 1,656 COVID-19 cases and zero fatality due to the infection on Friday, while the positivity rate stood at 5.39 per cent, according to data shared by the city health department.
Delhi today logged 1,367 new Covid cases, up 13 per cent from yesterday's number (1,204), and one death while the positivity rate stood at 4.50 per cent, accodring to data shared by the city heath department.