Uber is offering half-price rides to pubs across the country in a bid to get locked-down Brits back out drinking when venues finally reopen next week.
The ride-sharing app has launched a campaign to help get England s boozers back on their feet, with the wider hospitality sector decimated by restrictions in recent months.
Many will already be chomping at the bit to return to the pub, but as an added incentive, Uber is offering a 50 per cent discount, up to £6, to the first 30,000 riders between April 12 and May 16.
It comes as industry figures warned today that drinkers should take cash to the pub due to control freak government rules banning the taking of payments inside.
A pub landlord has been ordered not to use his £50,000 chalet with a bar, pizza oven and TV to house outdoor diners because it breaks Covid rules.
Jason Kalen, who runs The Marlborough in Wiltshire, claimed the structure was safe because it had a one-inch gap in the ceiling for ventilation.
However, council officials pointed out that it broke established rules requiring at least 50% of the walls to be open to the outside.
Therefore, he has been told he cannot use the chalet until punters are allowed to host people inside again on May 17, although he still has other space in his garden to accommodate drinkers from next week.
34 places in Bristol we can t wait to have a drink at this year
From ritzy cocktail bars to dingy dive bars
Inside The Cider Box in Silverthorne Lane (Image: The Cider Box)
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Nightmare reality of reopening a pub with just two days notice
A Bristol landlord has warned reopening in Tier 2 is not an easy task
Bradd Francis, landlord at Highbury Vaults (Image: Bristol Live)
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