working conditions. working conditions. thank you for havin: me working conditions. thank you for having me on- working conditions. thank you for having me on. in working conditions. thank you for having me on. in higher- working conditions. thank you for| having me on. in higher education we ve seen wages cut by 25%. in addition to that, we have unbearably high workloads, members working weekends and evenings all the time, not just occasionally, weekends and evenings all the time, notjust occasionally, 90,000 people employed on insecure contracts come up employed on insecure contracts come up to the workload burden, and just recently during the pandemic, based on evaluation, which was conducted during the worst possible time, employers use the opportunity to cut 35% from the pension. we know that can be restored, the pension scheme is healthy, so we are just very much like the teacher you are interviewing before, people doing the bread and butter of working in universities, strug
where the people who are coming to university for education are getting into tens of thousands of pounds worth of debt, the people are working on education are often struggling to get by, spending pay back after a pay packet in their overdraft, we are asking for the system to be reconfigured to employ people better and to employ people with a salary that allows them to actually kind of get by. with a salary that allows them to actually kind of get by. what sort of offer have actually kind of get by. what sort of offer have you actually kind of get by. what sort of offer have you been actually kind of get by. what sort of offer have you been made? i actually kind of get by. what sortl of offer have you been made? the employers of offer have you been made? the employers at of offer have you been made? iie: employers at the of offer have you been made? tue: employers at the minute have of offer have you been made? til employers at the minute have not budged from 3%. obviously w