UP Board Result: यूपी बोर्ड की इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा में बेटियों की सफलता का फासला बेटों की तुलना में बढ़ता जा रहा है। 2023 में छात्रों में 69.34 प्रतिशत जबकि छात्राओं में 83 फीसदी विद्यार्थी सफल हुए। UPMSP UP Board 12th Result: gap of success rate of girls increased in UP Board Inter Result - Hindustan
UP Board Exam 2023: As per reports, the result is expected to be released in the third or end week of April however date and time is yet to be confirmed, scroll down for more details.
UPMSP Board Result 2023 Expected Date And Time: Once the result is declared, students can check the UPMSP 10th, 12th results on the official websites upmsp.edu.in. aaa