With the year the days of this new country look like to the eyes of the enslaved. Good morning welcome to bill Wilson Center i direct the Kissinger Institute and we are extremely pleased to have roll friends with us this morning to discuss his new book the beautiful country and the metal came down. Earnings his degree in east Asian Studies at stanford then part of the first wave of American University students to go to try now. And was the launching pad for the first book the story of the new china and markets back to the Early Experiences to follow the path and the trajectory over chinas many changes in 2006 for after returning to the university he went back to china in 1988 and then was expelled from china just get out of here because of his links during that period and reported from bosnia and afghanistan and later was the editor of the Washington Post that was headed back to china for a stint to conduct research and for the best coverage in asia also has won prizes for his coverage
Read writing from Russell Lim on Medium. I teach high school mathematics in Melbourne, Australia. I like thinking about interesting problems and learning new things.
Read writing from Russell Lim on Medium. I teach high school mathematics in Melbourne, Australia. I like thinking about interesting problems and learning new things.