Atomera was founded in 2001 by Robert Mears with a vision to develop a platform of materials technologies for use across multiple industries. In response to the slowdown in the advancement of Moore s Law, Atomera developed Mears Silicon Technology (MST), which provides several power, performance, area, and cost (PPAC) improvements. MST s potential to improve PPAC also shows promise in developing MRAM to the point where it can finally be considered a mainstream memory. An email interview with Mears, also CTO for the company, is included below.
been about where can people lawfully enter and those who are entering illegally, how are they being treated. that s part of what is at the root of all of this and democrats have a very different view of republicans and the fight for border security, which the president is talking about today and also the wall, as he likes to emphasize, that s at the heart of this. as you pointed out, the shutdown is apparently going to extend into next week, into the new year and a new congress, led on the house side by democrats. geoff? high k my colleague and friend, kelly o donnell, thank you so much. we have indiana congressman and co-fonder of the federalist society, david mcintosh and