Bharti Airtel has expanded its 5G coverage in Kochi by launching the next-gen service in the picturesque island citys water metro route. Airtels 5G connectivity will be available to customers taking the Kerala Water Metro service between the High Court-Vypin terminals and the Vyttila-Kakkanad terminals in Kochi.
Bharti Airtel, today, announced that its 5G service is now available to customers across Kochi s water metro stations for the first time, adding to the already-live service in all other parts of the island city of Kochi.
Airtel has launched 5G services across Kochi’s water metro stations for the first time, adding to the already-live service in all other parts of Kochi.
Over 7,000 passengers boarded the country's first and Kerala's ambitious Kochi Water Metro on its two operational routes here on the second day of | BLiTZ