Mr Julius Nyananyo, Head, Media and Information at the High Court Of Justice, have said all is set to the programme of activities for retiring Chief Judge of Bayelsa, Justice Kate Abiri, indicating that the event will kick start on Saturday, January 7, 2023.
october. as you had at the roadside, 0ctober. as you had at the roadside, you admitted you were responsible. the quest for your extradition was submitted in 2020. it was denied. immunity from criminal prosecution was acclaimed for you by the government of the united states of america and accepted by the british government. as the high court of justice in london found in its government, on the challenge of mr dunn s parents to that decision in the crown on the application of charlie charles and tim done on the secretary of state for foreign income and welfare is in the chief commonwealth of northampton secretary of state for foreign affairs. you did indeed enjoy that immunity at the time of the accident which killed their son. there is no
The Court of Appeal has upheld the High Court's decision in the famous "chocolate teapot" case, <i>Illumina v MGI</i>. The decision is of interest for clients in all sectors as it addresses whether the combination of two known features can be inventive ("collocation"), and provides some practical guidance concerning appeal procedure.
The Commercial Court of the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court of Justice of England and Wales has granted an application for summary judgment on a claim to enforce in England a judgment of the DIFC Courts, United Arab Emirates UAE.