people wanted to have children. young people, that shows, not only a break and hatred of who you are as a nation, but even your own continuance and family name weaker brokwe have broken something in america, whether activist culture that turned us gai against america, we have to rebuild that, if you don t rebuild this you won t care to sacrifice or sign up or have a child to bring in to the society it it. it could be about what the future looks like or does not look like, you can still love the nation but what is happening makes it scary. dc, you who know is in dc, like the least patriotic, hard to say. you say it. it is i know people are not patriotic, or president isn t all he does is talk
people wanted to have children. young people, that shows, not only a break and hatred of who you are as a nation, but even your own continuance and family name weaker brokwe have broken something in america, whether activist culture that turned us gai against america, we have to rebuild that, if you don t rebuild this you won t care to sacrifice or sign up or have a child to bring in to the society it it. it could be about what the future looks like or does not look like, you can still love the nation but what is happening makes it scary. dc, you who know is in dc, like the least patriotic, hard to say. you say it. it is i know people are not patriotic, or president isn t all he does is talk
that port of entry need additional agents and alsod additional equipment anddrug k-9s to alert on the vehicles that are brings will illegal fentanyl and drugs into united states,us they just goodt need more in orr to do jobs, not just good enough to go do southern shah a photo op. you know folks like senator shaheen and i are serious about finding solutions, we went into mexico, met with authorities in mexico city, to talk about how we cane un collaborate 29it between collaborate 29it between mexican government, mexican military, u.s. government at on find a a p solution. senator tim kaine and i are working on a piece ofor legislation that wouldat pusionh back gai against philaffentanyl. and allow greater collaboration between the governments and militaries.