boss, how you doing? i need a favor. i know you re busy, right? i need an inmate dropped down to holding there. i m going to pick him up. today ciu investigator franko doma says he ll meet with a trusted informant in an area that dominates a housing chicago project. my job is to identify as many guys i can inside the housing complex and he s going to give me drug suppliers, rank and this is just one building. i just need you for a few minutes. remember how we do the hierarchy charts? that s what i need you for. i believe in his credibility because i ve dealt with him in the past. he s been in and out of the systems, so in incarceration we built a repoire. i raised this kid.
valuable tools, gang hierarchy charts. we ll put these out on a monthly basis to the superintendents. it just gives everybody a heads-up on who has rank amongst each individual gang. you ll have all the guys titles, the rick names, the regular names and where they are housed at in the compound. and this is every gang within the compound. our goal is knowing these guys, when we do these, i study the faces. so now i don t forget a face when they come in. now you can just pick them up. how do you know my face? stay out of trouble, shorty. you have to be four or five steps in front of the inmates. when you go into the interview, you have to know something about somebody or their organization. if you don t, he s going to spin you right off the bat. besides kites jailhouse informants are the next best source for intel. the process of cultivating inmates is flawed with potential pitfalls. inmates who try to plea barg within the state s attorney
out about it, we re going to launch an investigation into your activity. one means of finding out which gang members hold rank and what they re doing is through kites, coded written messages. certain gangs have certain openings. and as soon as we see that, we already know who it is. it says, greetings, family, i come in the vision. disciples. you know as soon as you open it this is coming straight from the leader. he s letting every division in the compound who s in charge and who they have to honor. as soon as they find out who else is in charge, we want to make sure we know who it is. it s excellent information for us. today, during a routine search, we were able to recover multiple kites. some of them use signs, symbols, numbers for codes. and we do have the codes to break them. intelligence code from kites and from informants help the ciu produce one of its most valuable tools, gang hierarchy charts. we ll put these out on a monthly basis to the superintendents.
i m going to pick him up. today, ciu investigator franco doma arranges to meet with a trusted informant. his contact, an active gang member, can identify all the players in a drug ring that dominates a chicago housing project. my job is to identify as many guys as i can inside the housing complex. and he s going to give me shooters, drug suppliers, rank. and this is just the one building. i just need you for a few minutes. remember how we do the hierarchy charts? out of those buildings? that s what i need you for. i believe in his credibility because i ve dealt with him in the past. he s been in and out of the system. during his incarceration we built a rapport. i raised this kid. all right.
in a criminal manner and we find out about it, we re going to launch an investigation into your activity. one means of finding out which gang members hold rank and what they re doing is through kites, coded written messages. certain gangs have certain openings. and as soon as we see that, we already know who it is. it says, greetings, family, i come in the vision. disciples. you know as soon as you open it this is coming straight from the leader. he s letting every division in the compound who s in charge and who they have to honor. as soon as they find out who else is in charge, we want to make sure we know who it is. it s excellent information for us. today, during a routine search, we were able to recover multiple kites. some of them use signs, symbols, numbers for codes. and we do have the codes to break them. intelligence code from kites and from informants help the ciu produce one of its most valuable tools, gang hierarchy charts. we ll put these out on a monthly ba