Has become the 1st to say that he s gay and in a relationship the Right Reverend Nicholas Chamberlain who is the Bishop of Grantham says he remain celibate in accordance with church teaching Calum a report for ship Chamberlain made the disclosure in an interview with The Guardian saying a threat by a Sunday newspaper to reveal his private life had pushed him to speak publicly he said he stayed within church rules which allow gay people to be priests and bishops as long as they remain celibate Bishop Chamberlain was consecrated last year by the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby who sent tonight that he had known about the bishops relationship his sexuality said Mr Weld it is completely irrelevant to his office as serving Royal Marine has been charged with terrorism offenses following an investigation into dissident republicans in Northern Ireland Karen Maxwell who s from County Antrim is alleged to have made bombs and created secret arms dumps in Northern Ireland and England he was