Sursa foto: Gorj Exclusiv
The listing of Hidroelectrica SA can take place, at best, at the end of this year and we must explain to the Romanians that no one leaves with the Romanian company, as it is a method by which each of us can become part through buying shares in the company, Bogdan Badea, general manager of Hidroelectrica told on Monday a press conference dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the listing of Fondul Proprietatea (FP) on the local capital market. Listing is the most transparent way to attract capital. We hope in Hidroelectrica s listing, at best, at the end of this year, if things move along fast and we have enough time to prepare. I would not want say later this spring, because it is an expected listing, which must happen. It is a time that will be crucial for the Romanian capital market, it will provide another liquidity to the capital market and will ultimately give to the Romanians the possibility to choose between the various instruments in which to place