April 19, 2021 13:09 IST
‘Hidden in Plain Sight,’ a solo digital performance addresses issues of loneliness, isolation and mental well-being
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‘Hidden in Plain Sight,’ a solo digital performance addresses issues of loneliness, isolation and mental well-being
There is no denying the last decade has seen an universal dependence on gadgets and a preference for all things virtual, even to the exclusion of personal relationships.
Yet, over the past one year when faced with enforced isolation and only social media for company, people have realised that no man survives as an island.
Exploring this dichotomy is
Hidden in Plain Sight, a solo theatre performance by Mallika Prasad. Written by Ram Ganesh Kamatham and Mallika Prasad, the play looks at the lives of four women who are trying to overcome the disconnect they experience with the world and within themselves.