A Chico man was sentenced in Butte County Superior court Thursday to a term of 25 years to life in state prison under California’s three-strikes law for forcibly raping a local woman, Butte County .
Friday Morning just before 8am the Chico Police Dispatch Center started receiving multiple 911 calls of a vehicle collision on the Esplanade at 11th Avenue in Chico. A single vehicle collided with.
It s been a battle between the city and Safe Space. Safe Space Chico Was served a cease and desist letter to stop operating out of the old 7-11 on Main Street, they then moved to the Parking lot nest.
Governor Newsome has set the date for A special election to replace former Rep. Kevin McCarthy following the speaker’s resignation last month . Newsome said the date is May 2.1 The primary for the .
The door plug that was blown out of an Alaska Airlines plane leaving Portland, Oregon en route to California last week apparently slipped out of position. The door plug was supposed to be held in pl.