NEW DELHI - India on Thursday launched the "world's first" intranasal Covid-19 vaccine developed by local pharmaceutical firm Bharat Biotech. Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya launched the iNcovacc vaccine on a day when the country is celebrating its 74th Republic Day. "iNcovacc is the world's first intranasal Covid-19 vaccine to receive approval for the primary 2-dose schedule, and as a heterologous booster dose," a Health Ministry's statement said on Thursday. Calling it a "mighty display of India's research and innovation prowess under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership," Mandaviya said it is a "historic achievement and a testimony to the innovative zeal of our scientists." The ministry said the vaccine is cost-effective and does not require "syringes, needles, alcohol wipes, bandage, etc., saving costs related to procurement, distribution, storage, and biomedical waste disposal, that is routinely required for i