heavily armed left wing militia group, the guys dressed likeft storm troopers in black masks, you remember them, of course. well, from a summer of 2020, they burned our cities thatcitis year. churches and police stations and courthouses. thw, the point of the violence they committed, the extensive violence and the killings they committed was to defeat donald they cos donald trump, make the country so chaotic thatc voters would want to change. ero they were effective in doing that. so effective.tive t the kamalahat harris herselfjal raised money to bail them out e of jail.nd a the end. antifa played a pivotal role in our presidential election that more so than any other organized bloc of voters. thepresidn the moment joe bin was inaugurated antifa seemed to disappear, nobody asked any questions about where they went, much less about who they were or who was paying them. they d serve their purpose. and then they left. so in retrospect, it s very clear who antifa was and i
Hello, everyone good morning to you and welcome to cnn. This morning black. Well, it is always good to be with you. Thanks for joining us this morning happening now, earth is Weathering A Powerful Solar Storm brought a spectacular light show. Two parts of the us, but also threatened to disrupt life on the ground. Scientists say this massive Geomagnetic Storm is now a level five out of five or extreme with the potential to Impact Communications power grids, satellites, and the strength of the storm is causing auroras usually only seeing around the earths northern and southern then pulls to travel further out, appearing in many places that rarely, if ever see them also known as the lights. These pictures were taken in hastings, florida by a storm chaser just a beautiful hues there and these are images taken from a Plane Over Detroit the storm is expected to continue through the weekend now, this is the most powerful solar storm to hit earth since 2003. Cnns Kristin Fisher explains whats
fi to work fighting whiteness. the subcommittee on housing and insuranchitenesse, for exam, will focus on , quote, policiesl that continue to strengthen diversity and inclusiousin theny the housing industry. how about just housing forho american citizens now? it s got to be race based, according to congressman mchenry. in the case of the subcommittee, it s got, thet ,diversity and inclusion inclusion were the only specific oversight focuses that were listd. now, what is this? we asked we called her on capitol hill and one person with knowledge of the decision-making told us that congressmahen henry is doing this because he doesy not want to upset maxine waterst .te a that would be the rankinpartg l democrat on the committee and a person with a long historyon of making hateful and violent statements about white people. so maxine waters is antementt f the closet racists. she s an accomplished hater, bumplishedt congressman patricky of north carolina is anxious to placate her, not you, he