though that the other major players in the 9/11 attacks and where they are now. at the top is khalid sheik khalid sheikh mohammed. he s in gitmo. next, walid bin attash believed to have picked the 19 hi jackers who died in the 9/11 suicide attacks. he is in custody at guantanamo bay. now believed mohamed al-qahtani was to be the 20th hijacker, was refused entry to the u.s. he was among the first captured in 2001 in afghanistan. he s enjoying himself also in guantanamo bay. ramzi bin al-shibh was a go between for khalid mohamed. ali abdul-aziz provided money to
the hi jackers and buying flight simulation materials. he was captured in 2003, also in custody in guantanamo bay. mustama ahmed al-hawsawi, known as the operations if a tifacili for al qaeda. he s in custody at guantanamo bay. there is only one other major player and he s not in custody. his whereabouts are unknown. that man. ayman al-zawahiri, known as osama bin laden s top lieutenant. often seen next to bin laden. he s presumed to be alive somewhere. perhaps best positioned to take over al qaeda. his whereabouts, not known. more on the new bin laden videos coming up. we ll look at this one and others, just part of the bounty from the raid on the compound in pakistan. [ male announcer ] in 2011, at&t is at work, building up our wireless network all across america.
at all. it s already billion 10 yeaeen . who would think they would catch him at 10 years. reporter: and it taught lenard something about life. anything can happen at any moment. reporter: it has done nothing to change her connection to that terrible day. it s really meaningful because i was there and i did see, i was kind of there for a part of history so obviously i m always going to remember it. reporter: the students say the death of bin laden doesn t really end the story, more like closes a chapter. instead, they say the story will continue to be written through the rest of their lives. carol. great story. thank you, martin. a man who became part of the 9/11 story is trying to heal from the role he played in history he didn t know about until it was too late. rudy decker trained two of the hi jackers.
called 9/11 and i don t think pataki was out there bashing bush and cheney for not catching the 19 hi jackers before the fact. one car, one guy, may have had a few conspirators in waziristan. we don t know yet. look what timothy mcveigh did with just a handful of people. they caught the guy in denver, zazi, and five guys in northern virginia, but it s really hard you re missing the point. you can t prevent it but let s look at the response. let s mirandize him. i think he s singing. david corn, pat buchanan. when we return, i ll have thoughts about stopping immigration, i m closer to pat than some. let me finish tonight with a poll that tells a great deal about american attitudes toward illegal immigration. the poll taken by the new york times and cbs says the majority of the country supports the new [ pop ] [ man ] just another perfect day
called 9/11 and i don t think pataki was out there bashing bush and cheney for not catching the 19 hi jackers before the fact. one car, one guy, may have had a few conspirators in waziristan. we don t know yet. look what timothy mcveigh did with just a handful of people. they caught the guy in denver, zazi, and five guys in northern virginia, but it s really hard you re missing the point. you can t prevent it but let s look at the response. let s mirandize him. i think he s singing. david corn, pat buchanan. when we return, i ll have thoughts about stopping immigration t immigration, i m closer to pat than some.