After five years of pandemic- and snowpack-related closures, Yosemite National Park has reopened "glamping" campsites where visitors will have access to showers, gourmet meals and a view of the park s
Access is currently cut off to Yosemite Valley for those using Highway 120 to enter the park from the west due to rockfall on a portion of Big Oak Flat
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power, one of the top employers in Tuolumne County and a division of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, is hosting a jobs fair from 4:30
The $2 peak-hours reservations that will be required for all visitors to get into Yosemite National Park for dates between April 13 and Oct. 27 go on sale online at
The National Park Service can legally continue thinning trees and other vegetation in Yosemite to prepare for prescribed burning projects, a federal court of appeals ruled this week as it