heather: what is the most dangerous? guest: most dangerous? well, obviously, the venom thing, a scene where a road runner, an underdog, he destroys a rattlesnake. flash floods. all sorts of drama, killers, and the desert episode is kill or be killed. gregg: and the bobcat is here. the confrontation between animals and insects and the field mouse who takes down a squirrel. guest: that is a favorite. guest: i shot that. and a giant centipede. and the mouse takes him down. without hesitating. heather: is that the lesson to take from the documentary? guest: the take away to me is all about america. you do not have to go to africa
yeah, is the hesitating to give the money back, the? a worry about being out spent, spending $300,000 and not raising the amount of money that you thought you would get, is the campaign burn rate worrying you or the general disadvantage? i think there s no doubt that on the republican side, there s more money. this is going to be the most well funded presidential challenger in history. we are looking at $1.6 billion what you add up the romney campaign and the koch brothers and the american future fund, this is a group that has a p.o. box you have a p.o. box, where aren t you we are a group that is out here engaged in the public debate. there s no doubt that
humor, and would say, am i fat today or anorexic? allegation how she was depicted in the media. you say on the day she did not want to go? she was feeling like, i am exhausted and i don t want to be at another finance, be at another, she wanted some downtime, and, is, she was kind of hesitating. you have her from their families how they feel? no, i have not. alisyn: do you thing they would be happy? i think john and care line would be so happy and proud of the book because the book is my fairytale interrupted and more than just their final days. alisyn: thank you for joining us. still ahead, and no need to worry about rain on their parade because this will the not be one, lawmakers nixing a war
the discourse in america, the discourse in congress in particular, to answer your question, very specifically, has really changed. and i ll tell you, i hesitate to place blame, but i have noticed it takes a very precipitous turn toward edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the tea party movement. greg: that is like the opposite of hesitating to place blame. mitt, a wounded candidate, just a reminder, that is a tea party. no one touched a 13-month-old girl alone in a tent that happened in the occupy camp. yes, that is the tea party s fault. let s gloss over her lapse in logic and address democrats in general. guys, what are you doing? how on earth did you settle on this person? did you put an ad in usa today for america s most obnoxious person? in a nation of growing independents this is what you want in a spokesperson, where
the discourse in america, the discourse in congress in particular, to answer your question, very specifically, has really changed. and i ll tell you, i hesitate to place blame, but i have noticed it takes a very precipitous turn toward edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the tea party movement. greg: that is like the opposite of hesitating to place blame. mitt, a wounded candidate, just a reminder, that is a tea party. no one touched a 13-month-old girl alone in a tent that happened in the occupy camp. yes, that is the tea party s fault. let s gloss over her lapse in logic and address democrats in general. guys, what are you doing? how on earth did you settle on this person? did you put an ad in usa today for america s most obnoxious person? in a nation of growing independents this is what you want in a spokesperson, where