I want to bring in cnn political analyst, author of washingtons farewell abmargaret hoover. Do you have any tips, who is next . Anybody. I just dont buy green bananas. This is just the latest. The v. A. Secretary shulkin out. Last week mcmaster. The week before tillerson. Its a constant revolving door, john, in in administration. It averages around every nine days there is a firing or resignation. And march has been particularly bloody. You went through the litany. These are core members. A quarter of the core cabinet is gone a year and a quarter in. Its not a sign of stability. Only the best people doesnt seem to be shaking out. In the case of secretary shulkin it seems as though there was a policy battle going on underneath the surface rather than a personality thing. There are questions about shulkins interest in privatizing the v. A. Thats a perilous word if our on the left 367 Bernie Sanders is delighted that shulkin gone. And there are conserves in the white house who thought shu
Its a constant revolving door, john, in in administration. It averages around every nine days there is a firing or resignation. And march has been particularly bloody. You went through the litany. These are core members. A quarter of the core cabinet is gone a year and a quarter in. Its not a sign of stability. Only the best people doesnt seem to be shaking out. In the case of secretary shulkin it seems as though there was a policy battle going on underneath the surface rather than a personality thing. There are questions about shulkins interest in privatizing the v. A. Thats a perilous word if our on the left 367 Bernie Sanders is delighted that shulkin gone. And there are conserves in the white house who thought shulkin maybe wasnt moving in the direction of Competitive Health care systems in the v. And and offering the health care to veterans as quick as trump wanted. I like the policy tussle. Its good. I understand what youre saying. There is some agenda and reasons behind it. Your
Between north Korean Leader kim jong un and President Trump is well into the planning process. We are in Constant Contact with north korea. We have actually worked out a time and a place. Kanye west must have some power. I doubled my africanamerican poll numbers. Thank you, kanye. Got to love this american ride abby that is a live shot this morning of Churchill Downs, the Kentucky Derby today, 6 46 p. M. If you have have ever been and gone to this track this time of the day the sun is not out yet. You get such a clear look. Ed why would you be there that early unless you were on fox friends. Great point. Dont start mint juleps until the afternoon. Pete that was your start on Kentucky Derby. Abby thats true. Ed everybody thought my tie was the clouds but its Kentucky Derby. Abby race for the roses, of course. Pete Fresh Flowers on the weekend. First time ever. Abby janice dean is down there. She will be with us all morning long. Stay here if you want updates on the Kentucky Derby and a
Thats what theyre doing. Thank you, rachel. He was the donald trump of american politics before donald trump became donald trump of american politicians. The right wing of politics doesnt need two Donald Trumps. No one really cares what Rush Limbaugh says. Not even Rush Limbaugh. The latest crazy thing that Rush Limbaugh says nowadays never makes it into the American News media because its not as crazy as what the president of the United States said every day. Including what the president said tonight. Rush limbaugh had to give up many of his beliefs to become the faithful trump follower that he is and he confessed publicly that they were never beliefs at all. He didnt believe all that stuff he was saying. Stuff that he and other republicans were lying about what they believed. He actually said that on his radio show and at the end of this hour, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist will join us about what donald trump has done not just to the Republican Party, but to our politics and wheth