Dawn Tilbury, the Ronald D. and Regina C. McNeil Department Chair of Robotics at the University of Michigan, has been recognized with one of engineering's greatest honors election to the National Academy of Engineering.
Purdue University engineers have developed a second-generation smart accumulator with oil circulation ratio (OCR) sensing capabilities for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration, or HVACR, systems.
A Purdue University research team recently received a $400,000 supplement from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to further its work on “Sociotechnical Systems to Enable Smart and Connected Energy-Aware Residential Communities.” This award builds on an initial $3.5 million award in 2018.
The new undergraduate program in robotics at Michigan Engineering will empower students to practice the full spectrum of robotics including underwater, wheeled, legged, flying and medical robots at U-M’s 134,000-square-foot Ford Motor Company Robotic
An inclusive-by-design degree program centers on how an embodied intelligence senses, reasons, acts and works with humans to establish a pipeline of people-first roboticists
The new undergraduate program in robotics at Michigan Engineering will empower students to practice the full spectrum of ro