Want to know a secret? If you don t like Windows 11, then you don t have to use it. Look, in 2022, there are plenty of legitimate alternatives. For instance, you can buy a Mac or a Chromebook. If you want to use your existing comouter, however, you can just install a traditional Linux distribution such as Ubuntu.
Rumbleverse might be a ridiculous, cartoony dust-storm of wrestling action, but it's shockingly fun and extremely balanced. A few hit detection issues aside, the free-to-play game is one of the most addicting and accessible melee-focused battle royale titles around.
Saints Row players are bumping into all sorts of nasty bugs, some merely visual and some ending the fun entirely. It doesn't seem to run on the Steam Deck, too.
Valve's Steam Deck is no Nintendo Switch, but that's the point. It's a handheld gaming PC that can play virtually any game in your Steam Library but it's got some quirks.