with assange back in march right before he got made campaign chairman, that you would have heard something about it, or did he keep to himself in a way that you can t say that he would have disclosed it? look, i wouldn t have heard about it. paul did a lot of meetings we found out about later. he took a lot of meetings in his apartment in trump tower. that s not exactly a denial, is it? no, absolutely not. and, we also heard today rudy giuliani on behalf of the president said that trump cannot recall having conversations about wikileaks with roger stone or jerome corsi. he s not flatly denying it. he s not saying he didn t have those conversations, just he doesn t recall. and here we ve got lewandowsky saying, well, you know, paul manafort was doing things on his own. you know, whenever somebody gets there s proof that they re involved in criminal activity, suddenly those people appear to be hermits, and they re not talking to anyone. no one knows anything about
before he got made campaign chairman, that you would have heard something about it or did he keep to himself in a way that you can t say he would have disclosed it. i wouldn t have heard about it. paul did a lot of meetings i had no knowledge of whatsoever. he didn t work out of the campaign office. renato, it s not exactly a denial, is it? no, absolutely not. and we also heard today rudy giuliani on behalf of the president said that trump cannot recall having conversations about wikileaks with roger stone or jerome corsi. he s not flatly denying it. he s not saying he didn t have those conversations, just he doesn t recall. we ve got lune dowcy saying manafort was doing things on his own. whenever somebody there s proof they re involved in criminal activity, suddenly those people appear to be hermits and they re not talking to anyone, no one knows anything about those people. at the time it, manafort was the
indicated that it was if anything somewhat of an in consequential infection. in france experts studied the polynesian epidemic and discovered that seeker might not be as hermits as had been believed. that if you didn t succeed in what was new about this epidemic it was something that had not been observed in europe forty to fifty patients suffered severe paralysis and had to be treated in hospital because they could no longer breathe officer bodies if they were suffering from gillman bar a syndrome. dion battery syndrome was a rare and little known auto immune disease involving severe damage to the nervous system the doctors were astonished by zeek as ability to trigger the condition. but
far as protecting the homeland, what could be more critical? he knows he has the executive power by statute to implement a temporary travel ban, and a judge nonpolitical knows that. that s what s going to happen next it will have to go to a supreme court but it will go to a supreme court that understands a simple letter of the law. is going to discriminate against people they ve done it over and over again. martha: courtesy above. another provocation by north korea, they ve tested a rocket that could put u.s. lives in danger, this as friends and family gather to remember the life of otto warmbier who was killed by the north koreans. we ll be joined by a pair of congressmen targeting the hermits r nation.
at the university of iceland in reykjavik. this vault, original manuscripts that date back hundreds of years, some nearly a millennium old. geezely sickerson is a research professor here. today he s pulled one of the icelandic settlement books for us. this manuscript was handwritten in the 1600s, believed to be a copy of the book from the 14th century, and that one is believed to be a copy from the 1200s. you get the idea. how far back are we talking here? we know from our sources, writing in ireland around 825, that the irish hermits were here around 790 or thereabouts. wow. if you think about genealogy around the world, how unique is