family didn t like it. now it s newt s turn. whoever comes the anti-romney is going to get this kind of treatment because i think there is just a commitment to romney in the upper levels of the republican party. greta: why is the upper part of the republican party interested in romney? they think he s the only guy who can beat obama. but they really greta don t doat doubt me. you get into the bowels of these people. have you had them on your show. i don t want to name name, but the republican establishment, the hire arky and the media, they are scared to death of obam a. so the calculation is, best opportunity, the only electable in this field, they think is romney. even if he doesn t win, he has enough down hill to pull and take back the senate, which is i think their real objective, if they work on and they tell you, that s what they think the most realistic objective is is to
sinunew. is that different? well, it s interesting to me. it is not just those guys. it s i have been chronicling it last week and this. this is the inside-the-beltway republican media. george will called hitch a marxist. he never called obama a marxist. i don t pretend to know with a person, like coburn, he won t say, it s something about leadership. that s as far as he went. i don t know what some of newt s colleague who is worked with him who don t like him or have problems, i don t know what happens. i wasn t there. i know that robert walker, who there was, is trying to counter balance this thing. he was great as speaker of the house. but i think, strip all of this away. i really think it is largely an attack on newt because they re afraid he might win.
you look at it from the reverse, 70% of republican voters want member else. this is why we have a phenomenon of the not romney. bachmann and then herman cain now newt is the not romney. i think it boils down to something that is not complicated at all. republican primary voters are conservative. they don t believe that romney is. they believe that he will stick a finger in the air and moist moisten it and see which way the winds are blowing and try to get in that direction. romney said he believes in global warming and that man is causing it. the conservatives don t believe that. they believe it s a hoax. conservatives know that the story is a hoax. they are not going to get excited by a candidate who is trying to gain favor with nonrepublican primary voters by articulating them. here s the big problem, greta, for the republicans. i am a lone wolf on this.
believe that newt that obama oh, they are oh, please give us newt. see, i never think that the democrats are trying to help us. when they tell us what the worst things we can do is, it s the opsilt. why would they tell us that oh, please give us newt? if they eye think romneycare, they think they can destroy romney because that is obamacare and romney s advisers have said so. his people helped him put it together. yeah, it was the model for obamacare. they think it takes cash careawftd table because romney can be targeted or mentioned as having supported it and implemented it in massachusetts, which he won t renounce.
70% of republican voters want member else. this is why we have a phenomenon of the not romney. bachmann and then herman cain now newt is the not romney. i think it boils down to something that is not complicated at all. republican primary voters are conservative. they don t believe that romney is. they believe that he will stick a finger in the air and moist moisten it and see which way the winds are blowing and try to get in that direction. romney said he believes in global warming and that man is causing it. the conservatives don t believe that. they believe it s a hoax. conservatives know that the story is a hoax. they are not going to get excited by a candidate who is trying to gain favor with nonrepublican primary voters by articulating them. here s the big problem, greta, for the republicans. i am a lone wolf on this.