According to an August 2022 survey, sale is the primary option of nursing homes in the metro (30%) and closure (10%) is the more common choice in Greater Minnesota.
MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HUBBARD COUNTY, MINNESOTA TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 2022 9:00 AM HUBBARD COUNTY BOARD ROOM PRESENT: DAVID DE LA HUNT, TED VAN KEMPEN, CHARLENE CHRISTENSON, DAN STACEY, AND TOM KRUEGER ABSENT: 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE BOARD CHAIR CALL TO ORDER AGENDA APPROVAL a) The Agenda is modified to add Item 6D for forest road grading, Item 10B Closed Session will be at approximately 10:00 or 10:15 to allow for guest speakers attendance, Item 12.C Satisfaction of Mortgage will be pulled from for a future meeting, and Item 12D has updated materials. Commissioner Christenson made a motion to approve the Agenda as modified. Commissioner Stacey seconded the motion. 2 PUBLIC INPUT - Barry Horn, Laporte, MN., spoke during Public Input. 3 CONSENT AGENDA a) Approve Minutes b) Auditor Warrants & Claims c) Social Services Warrants and Claims d) Approve Raffle permit for United Foundation for Disabled Archers to be held at Camp Wilderness. e) Amended 2022 Always There Staffing Agreem