gallery documents obtainedcument by business insider. and no, hunter. ssit s business insider, not ind business. inside e her back is pretty good. he didn t know whether to laugh or be disgusted. that s always i m aiming for. ih one mystery buyeatr shelled out 875,000 for a set of 11 paintings. if my math is correct, that s way too much. and it s a shame because if you buy 12, you have gotten a free case of genital warts. ohfree c, and another buyer, elizabeth hearst. natali is a democratic friend who the big guy named to the commission for the preservationi of america s heritage abroad. 22. in july 20,en well, slap my with a newspaper and call me fido. ain t that a hell of a coincidence? so did she buy influence or does she really want to hang art in her house? that to be made by a paint flinging epileptic monkey at