less than 250,000. whichever of those wealthy republics wins the nomination, he will be taking on a wealthy democrat in the shape of president obama who bought his chicago home for 1.65 million and whose personal wealth is put in the range of 3 to 11 million. bottom line, shep, not one of the men running for the presidency could reasonably claim to be financially speaking at least, an average american. shep? shepard: not financially speaking for sure. jonathan hunt in new york. john, thanks. south dakota s junior senator fast rising republic star to hear from his colleagues. tomorrow he will reach a new level of power in his party. the senator john thune joins us live to discuss who he is backing in the nomination fight and the rest of this republic contest on the night of the state of the union address. we ll be right back.
shovel-ready jobs, you really see the rhetoric doesn t match with the president s record when it comes to reality. shepard: senator, good luck in the new job tomorrow. i appreciate that thanks, shep. shepard: nice to see you. thank you. tonight is not just about the state of our union it s about the republic response. mitch dants will deliver daniels. why governor daniels? we will get to mitt romney s tax returns. we know he makes money. how does his low tax rate compare to past presidential candidates? you may find this interesting. bottom of the hour, top of the news next. is it fast? it s got a lightning bolt on it, doesn t it? is it fast? i don t even know if it s street-legal. is it safe? [ male announcer ] the security of a jetta. one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick.
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candidate mitt romney s tax returns doing nothing to silence his critics at least so far. as we reported tonight mitt romney s tax rate is lower than most americans. he says he follows the law and pays his fair share. here is how his tax rate stacks up against some of the past candidates in the years leading up to their respective campaigns. looking only at their 2010 returns. mitt romney and his wife gave 13.9% of the government of the only one paying a lower rate was john kerry. counting his wealthy wife s low tax rate, john kerry paid about 13% in 2003. live team fox coverage james rosen with more on the bitter back and forth between romney and top rival newt gingrich. let s start with jim angle in the d.c. newsroom tonight to break down these numbers. jim, exactly how much money is romney making? a bundle, shep. romney s returns from 2010 and estimated 2011 returns show he made more than $21 million in
between 10 and $30,000 tops. for speaker gingrich to try to equate 1.6 million payout to freddie mac to commonly held mutual funds that many millions of americans owns says romney s spokeswoman andrea saul is laughable. managed on a blind basis so a trustee not the romneys makes the investment decisions. just a few minutes ago, shep, fox news obtained another of the gingrich freddie mac contracts. i believe the year on this one is 1999. it goes into greater specificity than the other one we received as to what gingrich was expected to do and the group was expected to do for freddie mac listing strategic advice consulting on public policy issues again no issue of lobbying. shepard: got heated between the two frontrunners as to whether newt gingrich was effectively working as a lobbyist for freddie mac. not surprising that the contract wouldn t say that right? right. it also didn t say he was