To encourage is what we call a culture of safety, where everybody feels comfortable reporting everything all of the time so that we have the ability to respond to it. Then what we do we have this detailed questionnaire and tool kit where we do a long series of questions. I think its 54 questions in total, that is developed by cal osha, so we respond we figure out all the details about why that happened so we can address those. And then we provide whatever support that employee needs, whether its emotional support, whether they need attention in the Emergency Department or any kind of physical or behavioral support they need. So its quite a lot that we do to respond. Supervisor stefani i just want to make sure, too, because if a violent incident is occurring, like say someone is under meth induced psychosis and in that moment a nurses life is threatened, how quickly i know there is the deputy sheriff. I just want to make sure the Response Time is quick and thats what im trying to get at
Thank you can, heather. I hope that was as powerful to the supervisors as it was me listening to it. The struggle so many nurses have been in so long to get an ear is very moving to me. Its also moving to me that our patients suffer from all the things that youre hearing. Were very dedicated people. Nurses are good people, were short on ego, were long on competence, we do our jobs because we care about people and we dont like suffering. What we see because of these problems is more suffering that could be fixed. So Patient Experience, im not going to spend time on this. Heather really gave you the story, but the Patient Experience due to these problems with staffing is obviously negative. I work in primary care. The worst the worst day of my week is when i have a patient who is decompensating, running out of breath, turning blue, sweating and i have to say, we got to get you to the emergency room. And the patient says, no way. [please stand by] [please stand by] to make my point, i wou
[roll call] you have a quorum. Item 3 announcement of prohibition of soundproducing devises. The ringing of use of cellphones and pagers and sound producing electric devices are prohibited and the chair may over the removal from the room of any person responsibility for one going off in the middle of the meeting. The minutes of february 18th, 2020 regular meeting. No members have turned in a public speaker card. Public comment is closed. We have the minutes ill entertain a motion. Move. Second. All those in favor say aye. Aye. All those opposed. Consider those approved. Clerk communications. Mr. Chair i have none for you today. Item 6, introduction of new or Unfinished Business by Board Members. Any new or Unfinished Business youd like to address . Very good. Clerk directors report. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. It is my pleasure to turn the mic over to director of transit, Julie Kirshbaum foray wards for her amazing crews who do the actual hard work of serving our public. I think th
Item four, approval of the minutes of the july 16th regular meeting. Board members, anyone have any changes they would like to make . I will entertain a motion. So moved. Second. All those in favor of moving these minutes please say aye. Aye. Any opposed . Item five . Item five, communications, mr. Chair, i have none today. Item six is introduction of new or Unfinished Business more members by Board Members. Board members, and a newer Unfinished Business . Yes, we brought up the idea of looking into no right turns on red, and ever since she brought that up, i have been noticing it more and more around the city and i really understand now what a good idea that is, not just for the cars turning right, but the cars creeping into the crosswalk to look to see if it is clear, which has been impeding the pedestrians ability to get through. Im hoping that we can have a report on can we do that, do we have to do it citywide and can we do a citywide, and just to say that it really was a great id
You have a quorum. Item three, announcement of prohibition sound producing devices during the meeting. The bringing of sound producing Electronic Devices are prohibited at the meeting. Any person responsible for one going off may be asked to leave the room. Also, directors, please be advised we do have an overflow room for todays meeting. Due to fire codes, if youre sitting or standing in the aisles, you must step outside, and fanned a find a chair. Item four, approval of the minutes of the july 16th regular meeting. Board members, anyone have any changes they would like to make . I will entertain a motion. So moved. Second. All those in favor of moving these minutes please say aye. Aye. Any opposed . Item five . Item five, communications, mr. Chair, i have none today. Item six is introduction of new or Unfinished Business more members by Board Members. Board members, and a newer Unfinished Business . Yes, we brought up the idea of looking into no right turns on red, and ever since she