Think you. Please call item 1 item number one, [reading code] thank you. I will let supervisor weiner take this away. Thank you very much mdm. Chairman. I described this measure a few times so i wont say other than today mention it does create a segregated dedicated fund for transportation improvements as well as for critically important housing related Homeless Services. So, we made a number of amendment through a very broadbased collaborative process and today subject to Public Comment, i will ask the committee to forward this item to the full board of supervisors with a positive recommendation as a committee report. Thank you. Thank you. Seeing no other questions or comments will open this up to Public Comment. [calling names] district for resident here in opposition to this set aside. Charter member Homeless Housing and services fund; Transportation Improvement Fund, budget set aside. The; says it all. One charter amendment, to budget set aside. When does not equal two. This is ill